Our Strategy

Our current strategy provides a framework through which we are transforming the lives of refugees and asylum seekers in South London. Co-designed with CARAS community members, volunteers and staff members, we’re tackling the root causes of inequality to support individuals to build lives of value, meaning and purpose in the UK.

Our Strategy

Our Vision

People who have sought refuge in the UK are welcomed, valued and supported within a community in which they can flourish.

Our Mission

To work together with young people, families and adults of refugee background to provide practical, educational and social help. We create supportive relationships, networks and well informed services that enable people to access what they need in order to increase their wellbeing and safety.

2021 - 2026 Strategy

We created our strategy in partnership with 82 community members, 16 volunteers and 16 staff members. Our key aims are:

Firm Foundations

Maintain our core holistic ESOL and learning provision, casework and social groups, supporting individuals to create firm foundations for the future.

Bridging Gaps

Bridge key gaps faced by community members in regard to education, notably for young people who can wait up to 8 months to enter formal education and supporting adults to access mainstream English classes.

Digital Skills

Enhance digital skills and campaign for digital access for all to ensure all community members are able to navigate life in the UK.


Build new areas of work around employability. Providing individuals with the skills, knowledge and cultural competence they need to enter into employment if they choose, after they receive the right to work.

Give A Voice

Put the experiences and voices of community members at the heart of all campaigns and external communications, providing new opportunities for leadership.

Influence Change

Share expertise and models of CARAS’s work to influence wider change. Creating positive outcomes for people regardless of their location.

Better Inclusion

Make pro-active plans to foster better inclusion, both internally and externally, allowing safe access for group members and strengthening our staff team to create a better and more equal environment for all.

Team member teaching a class

Our Staff and Trustees

Our Team
CARAS Community Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Refugee Charity South West London Support Us

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