Corporate Partnerships

We work with a range of business partners to co-create and deliver meaningful work that would otherwise be impossible. Recent examples include employability programs, financial management programs and workshops.


No two corporate partnerships look the same, and we will work with your CSR team to develop a partnership that suits your objectives and delivers meaningful change within our local community.

Partnership Ideas

Partnership Ideas

There are many ways that we can work together:

Payroll Giving

Add us to your company’s payroll giving scheme to deduct donations before tax, making employee donations more tax effective.

Charity of the Year

Providing an opportunity to unify your staff behind an inspiring cause. We’ll work together throughout the year providing workshops to raise awareness about asylum seekers and refugees, and the impact of your support.

Pro-Bono Programmes

We work with a range of business partners to deliver deeply, meaningful work that would otherwise be impossible eg. employability programs, financial management programs and workshops.

Partnership Examples

We recognise that businesses bring new expertise to our sector, expanding the potential and broadening the horizons of our work, providing opportunities for growth and innovation. We support businesses working across London to increase their impact within our local community, harnessing our shared expertise to deliver innovate new programs developed in partnership with CARAS community members.

Partnership Examples
Two women putting on makeup in front of mirrors at a workshop


Makeup Workshops
October 2023

Living in hotel accommodation on just £9 section 95 support for up to 2 years, new arrival asylum seeking adults struggle to meet basic needs, and destitution results in a whole host of barriers to accessing services, support and education activities that our mainstream programming bridge, on barrier at a time.
A little talked about effect of poverty is the impact it has on people’s dignity. Early in 2023, CARAS’s women’s group discussed how they missed their ability to get ready how they used to in their home countries. For many this included putting on makeup, which was now too expensive to buy. With charities struggling to meet the significant gaps asylum seekers face when accessing basic needs, no-one was able to help them buy some makeup. They discussed the impact this had on them, making them feel as though they were no longer a ‘normal’ person, creating shame and exacerbating feelings of segregation and isolation.

When COTY’s Wandsworth office approached CARAS in March 2023 saying they’d like to support our work, we knew exactly what community members would like! Together we planned a makeup workshop led by an expert makeup artist where community members could try new products, share tips, relax and enjoy. Everyone even left with a goody bag ensuring everyone could enjoy those moments of normality which gain so much meaning whilst you are in the asylum system.

Do you have an idea of how you business can work with us?

We’d love to hear it! Contact

Email Ryan
CARAS Community Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Refugee Charity South West London Support Us

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Man at top of a rock climbing wall smiling at the camera

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